Nicholas Cop Consulting

Information and education services for academic and research libraries and networks.

Digital Information & Technologies Consulting Services

  •  eBooks and ejournal platforms.
  • Digital formats and interfaces.
  • Open Access Initiatives
  • Digital library evaluations.
  • Interfacing with mobile devices.
  • Virtual worlds

High Quality Technical Translations: Spanish, Portuguese to English

  • Translated documents read as if they were originally written in English.
  • A range of disciplines covered, with specialization in Information Sciences and IT.
  • Editing, re-phrasing and simplifying for clarity, and correction of inconsistencies.
  • Text and document formatting.
  •  Graphics and image services.

Training & Professional Development - Workshops & keynotes

  • High impact, multi-media keynotes for academic publishers, information vendors and conferences.
  • Half-day to one day workshops in the use of information technologies for libraries and publishers.

Nicholas Cop establishes a company in Mexico to address the local and Latin American market.

COP | Digital Information Solutions S.A. de C.V. (DIS) began operations in January of 2018 and was established to provide services in digital tools, and digital technologies and methods to the academic and information market in Mexico and in the rest of Latinamerica.